Can I get some feedback? Pull it apart…
If I go for option 1/2. Do I need a background? If yes - what?
Can I get some feedback? Pull it apart…
If I go for option 1/2. Do I need a background? If yes - what?
I think you forgot to attach the file…
you are right. i just added it.
I like it without the background for the official logo…
obviously she can use with a background at times…
maybe keep the main part pink and the behold copy a light grey so it can be seen on any color?
if i dont use a background, the light grey wont work. One has to be able to see it. Any other overall critique re style/font etc?
I like the script that is used in the circle
Sorry I thought here it was white not grey
yes! I think it looks really clean and nice!
thank you!
It looks really good!
I like it better without changing the color on the initials.
Also, maybe try how it wouold look if the name is in a darker color, maybe just a darker shade of this color.
I don’t either like the color on the initials, but like this option without the background.
Love it! Would maybe work on the alignment. Meaning the end of behold copy should either align with the end of the “a” from Daniela or the end of the swirl after the “a”. Maybe also a teensy higher.
And what does it mean? What kind of business is it for?
no i like the other way better
I didn’t mean with the changed initials color… love the first one without the background
Nice! Agree about this script font option as well as keeping the text the same color and without a bkgd
Agree about the background and not changing the initial colors. Could the curved line that comes out of the a at the end of her name be smoother, i.e. connect more naturally with the “a”?