Job Pricing

A client gave me a pricing page for her photography business in psd format that someone made for her. She likes the style of that one and wants me to make 3 more pricing pages to be the same style as the first.

She also said she might want to put it together into a brochure.

How much much should I charge for it?

Depends a lot on the work involved. If it is a complicated design and you can remove the text in photoshop and then use it as an image background and just retype the text in another program, that would probably be faster than having to recreate the entire design. Of course, if you expect her to want many versions of this it may end up more effective to recreate the design in a more editable format and then moving forward it would be much easier to do the edits. In that case you could charge her more for creating the first template in her style and then charge her less for each subsequent design. The brochure pricing also depends on if it is just assembling the designs that you already did, or if you will be designing the brochure itself in terms of a cover, more info etc., how many pages etc. A typical brochure would often cost $300-$500 for a trifold style, but if you are just putting in images that you already have and already charged for, it would be less.