Jewelry Store Flyer

this is an ad for my client that wanted her ad done specifically like this (she really designed it, I just fixed it up a bit) I can’t really change too much about it, but can anyone give me any tips that i can make it look even a little better without making it too obvious?

I would say to leave it, since the clients has her own specific ideas and is happy.

If you have time and you’re in the mood, you can experiment and design it from scratch, as if she had no opinions on the design.
That might give you some ideas of how to improve this design, for example, you might come up with a nice layout idea that you can use.
You can also then show the client your design as a completely different option, and she might want to use it or incorporate parts of it. (It’s a gamble but ya never know… :wink:)

Good luck!