How to prepare for printing?

I made a double sided business card for a client and we’re ready to send to print.
I never really did this before I did mostly web stuff so idk where to start to prep. Do I do bleeds and crop marks? Anything else I’m supposed to do before sending it in?


Yes send it in with bleeds. Each printer has their way they like it saved. You can always just email them, Hey what size bleed do you need and is there anything else I should save it with.

I just did this. I exported it with crop marks, bleed at .25 and offset at .125 (that ensures that when they cut it, it doesn’t by mistake show the crop mark)

when i want to be safe i export with the bleed but do not do crop marks (coz many printers don’t like them). i also write the file name with the dimensions and bleed size and/or write it in the email as notes for the printer… but best is if you can find out specs from printer she is choosing.
if i do crop marks then i offset them at the same size as the bleed for the reason Breindy gave.
in israel and uk 3mm bleed is the standard.

I got a reply from the printer they said .25mm bleeds all around but didn’t mention anything about crop marks. Does that mean I skip the crop marks?

I never send anything to print with crop marks.

If the client wants parts of the card to have raised lettering, do I have to do something different to the file or I just tell the printer that that’s what they want?

Yes, Im pretty sure raised lettering needs to be on a file alone in solid black
@zippy or @Alyse-Bayles can you respond to this?

When I did raised lettering for a client recently, I had to do that.

Yes any special printing needs to be on a new file in black.

if the crop marks are outside the bleed then the printers will simply chop them off if they dont need them but i always include them