Flyer for Production

Attached is a flyer i made for our school play. I’m having trouble placing the school logo (that needs to be on it). If I put it on top without the ‘‘mhs presents’’ i have to tmake the purple strip on both ends bigger to balance it… unless you think otherwise?
and if I just put ‘‘mhs presents’’ than I don’t have a good spot for the logo.
So would love some ideas (and feedback always appreciated)!!

I don’t think the top and bottom strips have to be the same size, and I would make the maroon a little more contrasting the black. If you put the logo on top I would probably completely remove that strip or I would maybe put it at the bottom after the text there

Very sharp and elegant! Beautiful!
Agree with @mrosen , you can put the logo on top, move the strip down under it and put the words presents… on it. (and move everything else down a bit if necessary…)
Good luck!

I think you should left alight the “for women…etc” and then put the logo on the bottom left. You can keep Menorah High School… on the top.
I’m just thinking - maybe you want to recolor the text “At the end of the day” to gold, silver… something that will make it pop.
its really nice btw!

Thanks everyone for your advice! I tried recoloring the wording… but it didn’t look that good and we’re not fancy enuf to get it foil stamped or anything… :slight_smile:
I needed those strips cuz i had already stretched that pic to like 265 ppi so didn’t want to stretch it any more… so instead made the top strip bigger and also changed the coloring to see a bigger difference
Thanks for all the advice!

Nice! Would you try changing the title’s font to something more dramatic?