Flyer for internship program

Does this flyer look good/any ideas to make it better? I’m not quite sure it’s there yet. :wink:
I’m still waiting to get the logo.

Also, for the wording, the client wrote it out but said I can change it. I notices that the words “top” and “& more” were used twice. Should I change it or is it fine as is?

design looks good but the text is not speaking to me so much. i’d rather it be a question like ‘looking for an internship at a top company?’
and then underneath ‘we’ll find you the best positions in…’
i don’t like the ‘& more!’ i dont think it’s necessary at all… maybe you could say ‘positions including politics, law, medicine and stem’…
i don’t think you need the tagline under the logo at all since it’s all explained in the ad.

before ‘life changing jewish experiences’, maybe it should say what the section is e.g. ‘get ready for…’ or ‘Benefits include:’…

apply now should be more bold - maybe with some orange in there e.g. for words ‘apply now’ or an orange background just for words ‘apply now’ or an orange line on top and below the white strip. just feel it’s getting a bit lost… or maybe just needs to be larger

i would def change https://… to - i tried it and it gets you to the right page and it’ll look better!!


The client switched the wording a little and decided on this design. Any suggestions for the typography, especially the top?

The photos are going to be replaced once I get them from the client.

really nice how coming to life with the photos!!
maybe just slightly more bold for ‘we match you with a’
but i like the overall layout and amount of white space on the top