I started working on a client questionnaire for someone. I didn’t realize they wanted it to be fillable online and not just printable. Is that something I’m able to or should I tell them I thought it was just printable?
I think you need Adobe Acrobat Pro to create a fillable form online…
If you have adobe acrobat you can export your PDF and then make it editable in Acrobat.
oy… i think it’s an added service and should cost more… if you’re charging per hour then you’re ok but if fixed rate it’ll be annoying…if they dont want to pay more if it involves more time maybe you can count this as a skill learning experience!
just double check what they mean by ‘online’ - usually you email the pdf form, people click to fill, save and then send back by email. if they literally mean an online website form then that’s a new project IMO…
there are ways to to do it with best practice to make it work more smoothly when you export it with acrobat pro. - i believe i used this tutorial to help me once - Creating Fillable PDF Forms With InDesign and Adobe Acrobat (tutsplus.com) - it’s a bit overwhelming but was worth the time investment for me… maybe there are easier ways to do it