File size

I am not a graphic designer and I am not so familiar with the programs, but my boss asked me a favor to create a newsletter for him. I did it on illustrator, and I saved it as a pdf. However, the file size is very large. Can someone tell me how I can reduce the size so that it can be sent out as an email attachment?
Thank you!

Is it something you can paste into indesign and export it from there? Indesigns PDFs are much lighter

Thank you, I tried that, but it looks blurry when I paste it.
(I probably should have created it on indesign, but I never used indesign before.)

An Illustrator file should not look blurry and a PDF from Illustrator shouldnt be so heavy either. Are you working with images?

Yes, sorry. Should’ve mentioned it
(I did compress them, though)

:frowning: pictures dont belong in illustrator

I just compressed it online Best PDF Compressor: Resize, Reduce PDF Files Online (FREE)
It looks very good, it does not appear to have lost much of the quality.
Thanks anyway

Seems like you have a CC account, so you can compress it here

Btw the reason it looked blurry in Indesign probably has to do with what the display performance was set up to in indesign and not because of the file.

Yes Blimi you are correct since it wouldnt loose any quality just through placing it in

you need to right click and change display performance to high quality and see if the images look ok

Thank you everyone!

Thank you everyone for your input here. This info is still helping ppl. even over a year later! :wink: