Hi all, I am trying to export a huge banner type of file, filled with hundreds of small images placed in, and every time I try to export it to pdf so I can send to print I get an error saying it’s the wrong type of file, must be saved as something else, file too big, etc… What can I do about this? I tried exporting as png and it says it exceeds maximum size and I should reduce resolution. How can I get this exported for print without compromising quality?
What program are you working in? If in photoshop be sure to flatten first. You can import into InDesign as a finished file and export from there, will be much less memory. Have you tried that?
I did once a massive banner for a store front. The printer asked me to send the file 1:10. So before driving yourself crazy, ask your client/printer how they want the file.
I am working in Indesign
Thanks for responding!! I feel clueless, that I don’t even know what you’re referring to with 1:10.
My client is a school- it’s a gigantic banner with pictures of hundreds of students.
They know very little about graphics or print, so they are trusting me to get this printed…
I have done this in the past for them, and haven’t run into issues before…
Scaling it down to 1/10 the size, and they will enlarge it. Good point to check with the printer first.
Could also be that the images that you brought into Indesign were very big and then shrunk down in indd, which really doesn’t reduce file size. Better to make them smaller in photoshop and then import.
Thank you for the advice!