Clothing Ad

Is this ad pulled together enough? Or do I need a better focal point?
Thank you

It looks really nice! Looks complete to me but I’m not an expert…

It looks good but just give a bit more leading by the pricing - it looks very squished… You’ll probably have to move that circle logo up too if you give it a drop more breathing space…
Are those two lines intentional near the purple box? it’s bothering my eye a little - if you want it there, center the two line by the inside of the triangle or just get rid of it…

Agree with Breindy, I think it looks really nice! I assume the 2 lines are part of the background floral thing you chose but it does look a little out of place there

thanx all! yes lol I didnt even realize those black lines. I will move the design over.

I would fade out the flower background a drop so the center words are bolder but otherwise I really like it!