Chai Ad for feedback

Hi -working on a flyer for Chai Lifeline. I want their logo to be the license plate so I cropped it using a clipping mask but its looking a little awkward. Any advice? (The flyer is still missing info -I know!) Thanks for your input! :slight_smile:

it needs a bit of perspective…to make it look more real so a distort in photoshop should do it by following he angle of the top and bottom edges of the original pic.
oh and thanks for posting…

It’s very attractive. Good choice of colours. Did you try putting the logo onto the car by distorting it? Also I think there needs to be more white space from the top, like maybe a 1/2". Maybe make the text slightly smaller and move it down.

I really like what you did with the title. Very nice!

Aside from the logo, is there going to be enough room for the information at the bottom? There may be room to write it in but tht is about it. Are you going for that type of look?

I really like your typography… great job!