Business name

Hi all

Basically, my current business name is Diamomd Design but i have been advised by a bunch of people that perhaps i should change the name to which includes my own name in it since that is more common for a graphic designer. Especially since Diamond Design was not available so i have 17 at the end of my email and web domain, and that when you google it all jewellery stores come up!

So i was thinking of changing to Sheva Designs but then realised that there is already a Sheva Design and i would be sending her clients since they are too similar.
Now i am thinking along the lines of Design By Sheva.

Firstly, what do you think of the name? Anymore suggestions?
Secondly, would you think its a problem to sometimes use the acronym DBS even though it is associated with a criminal record check (in England)?
And lastly, do you think i could stick to my old Diamond Design logo with this new name? There is a hidden S and someone also noticed a D in it.

Im so dreading this changeover! But at least i can do it before i get a website up and running.

Would love to hear all your thoughts and feedback.

“Studios” is also common.
Personally, I would think to avoid the DBS acronym.
I would think it’s ok to stick with your previous logo, but maybe you could make a new one with a similar look, just made to emphasize the letters more. That way it’s identifiable but a “new look”?

Hi, I’m finding this very interesting. One of the diamonds used on the Kohein Gadol’s Choshen is called the Sevo stone (שבו in Hebrew) It sounds similar to Sheva, so maybe you can play around with the word… Just an idea, since it is a type of diamond. Or maybe you can look up different kinds of diamond names…

Your logo is amazing! It would be a shame to redo it!

if you call it Diamond Graphics then it may have a better association.

Hi, thanks everyone!

The problem wkth diamond graphics is that i also do web design. Also, if im already changing the name then i would love to do something including my own name.
So i decided to go ahead with Design By Sheva; bought the domain and registered the email.
Regarding the logo, i think i will keep it for the moment especially since there is an S (and D) and i will try making some comparison to my service being diamond level or something like that.

Thanks for all your input!