I was having such a block designing this… It’s instructions for a Bris Gemach. What do people think of this?
Add more line spacing to the main text and make the names smaller less bold and put the names on two columns.
i would try a more baby blue colors and less green
good luck!
I like the font that you used! I feel like the rounded-ness suits the baby theme.
I would try to show some visual hierarchy and separation in that block of text - maybe one sentence or the address and phone in bold/ maybe the first sentence bigger and more spaced apart from the rest of the text.
Thinking it could look like the main feature of the page, maybe more centered on the page and all the names lower down, 2 columns and lighter like @schlomithsassoon mentioned.
If you want to go with a typical look u can add little booties/ something lacy/ etc…
Hope your block goes away soon
Good luck!
Agree about the two columns. For main text at least contact info in turquoise. Rest of main text might look better semibold or in another shade of turquoise, serving as intro text and breaking up the text visually