Az yashir cover

Hi again :slight_smile:
my 9th grade class each did a little project explaining a pasuk of az yashir as our pesach learning. I want to make a cover and compile it to give it to them to have and would love some advice on this.
The pic of the wave needs to be that size so it prints a good quality (if I make it bigger itll be too big) so wanted to know which way to go- lighter or darker?
And if you think I need the little explanation underneath the big title?
Also, does my hebrew font match with the english? I like script but want them to match as much as possible…

I like the lighter version.
Maybe try to blend the waves picture into a light blue background so it shouldn’t be such a stark contrast between the image and the white background.

I also like the first option…
There is a spelling mistake by the word yahadus.
I think the words “and in-depth…etc.” should be a sans serif font
Also bring the words “Az Yashir” and Project closer together.

what do we think?
(i really like the light blue blimi- thanks!)

or maybe like this?
I made the light blue only on top and faded to the bottom… to keep the pic more clear…

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this ended up being my final
Thanks everyone for your feedback and help! much appreciated

Nice! :slight_smile:

So pretty!