Another font question :)

back with another font question…anyone know how I would go about doing this? is it a font I can download?

technically live trace would work to copy it but you would have to change it after

These were probably crested with shapes… you can trace it if you need the exact one but like Adina mentioned, it might be a copyright issue unless you change it up

any advice for how I could go about creating my own version of this?

I’d recommend sketching on paper, then scanning and vectorizing it. I don’t draw well but I find that it doesnt matter, the ideas still come out.

Hi, I once posted a similar question (can’t find it now) and someone (don’t remember who but thank you very much) advised to create the shape and then create the letters inside with the pen tool. It was really very simple because the letters are all very sharp (below is the logo I had worked on). In the case of the leave shape, you could mask the letters to get the round edges.

Yes, The pen tool with thicker/thinner strokes would allow you to achieve these letters since they are very sharp with Bezier curves

There is a font that you can make a circle with if it’s 3 letters.

It’s called Round Monogram. It’s free, I prob got it from Dafont.
There are a few versions that it comes with, the right, center and left and 3d or regular

That’s cool Shevi! Learn something new everyday :slight_smile: I never knew that!

I haven’t tried these but if you google monogram fonts there are a bunch you can try out

Or you can do envelope distort make with top object in illustrator, if that works.